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来源:本站原创 日期:2016-02-20点击:

姓名 赵娟娟 职称 副教授
出生地 福建 出生年月 1981年
部门 风景园林系 研究方向 园林植物生态



[1] Zhao Juanjuan, Chen Jing, Chen Chundi, Lu Shijun, Song Chenchen, Liu Shiyan, Li Jian, Zhuang Chunxiao. Is it sufficient? Assessment of two sampling methods for urban plant species richness investigations. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2023, 79: 127824.

[2] Liu Yong, Li Manting,Zhao Juanjuan, Yu Haidong. Responding to environmental pollution-related online posts: behavior of Web surfers and its influencing factors. Environment Development and Sustainability, 2019, 21: 2931-2943.

[3] Liu Yong, Wang Nan,Zhao Juanjuan*. Relationships between isomorphic pressures and carbon management imitation behavior of firms. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 2018, 138: 24-31.

[4] Zhao Juanjuan, Chen Shengbin, Jiang Bo, Ren Yin, Wang Hua, Vause Jonathan, Yu Haidong. Temporal trend of green space coverage in China and its relationship with urbanization over the last two decades. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 442: 455-465.

[5] Zhao Juanjuan, Chen Shengbin, Wang Hua, Ren Yin, Du Ke, Xu Weihua, Zheng Hua, Jiang Bo. Quantifying the impacts of socio-economic factors on air quality in Chinese cities from 2000 to 2009. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 167: 148-154.

[6] Zhao Juanjuan, Ouyang Zhiyun, Xu Weihua, Zheng Hua, Meng Xuesong. Sampling adequacy estimation for plant species composition by accumulation curves-A case study of urban vegetation in Beijing, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2010, 95: 113-121.

[7] Zhao Juanjuan, Ouyang Zhiyun, Zheng Hua, Zhou Weiqi, Wang Xiaoke, Xu Weihua, Ni Yongming. Plant species composition in green spaces within the built-up areas of Beijing, China. Plant Ecology, 2010, 209: 189-204.

[8] Zhao Juanjuan, Zhang Chi, Deng Luying, Ren Yin, Yan Jing, Luo Yujian, Zuo Shudi, Zhang Kai, Wang Han. Impact of human activities on plant species composition and vegetation coverage in the wetlands of Napahai, Shangri-La County, Yunnan Province, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2015, 22: 127-134.

[9] Yu Haidong,Zhao Juanjuan*. The Impact of Environmental Conditions on Urban Eco-Sustainable Total Factor Productivity: A Case Study of 21 Cities in Guangdong Province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(4): 1329.

[10] Yu Haidong, Liu Yong,Zhao Juanjuan and Li Gen. Urban Total Factor Productivity: Does Urban Spatial Structure Matter in China? Sustainability, 2020, 12: 214.

[11] Chen Chundi, Cheng Hui, Jia Junsong, Wang Xingyu,Zhao Juanjuan. Use it or not: An agro-ecological perspective to flooded riparian land along the Three Gorges Reservoir. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650(1): 1062-1072.

[12] Chen Chundi, Wu Shengjun, Douglas Meurk Colin, Ma Maohua,Zhao Juanjuan, Lv Mingquan, Tong Xiaoxiao. Effects of local and landscape factors on exotic vegetation in the riparian zone of a regulated river: Implications for reservoir conservation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2017, 157: 45-55.

[13] Zhao Xiaofeng, Jiang Hui, Wang Huina,Zhao Juanjuan, Qiu Quanyi, Tapper Nigel, Hua Lizhong. Remotely sensed thermal pollution and its relationship with energy consumption and industry in a rapidly urbanizing Chinese city - ScienceDirect. Energy Policy, 2013, 57: 398-406.

[14] Deng Junjun, Du Ke, Wang Kai, Yuan Chung-Shin,Zhao Juanjuan. Long-term atmospheric visibility trend in Southeast China, 1973-2010. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 59: 11-21.

[15] Hu Dan, Huang Shuli, Feng Qiang, Li Feng,Zhao Juanjuan, Zhao Yanhua, Wang Bennan. Relationships between rapid urban development and the appropriation of ecosystems in Jiangyin City, Eastern China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2008, 87: 180-191.

[16] Zhao Juanjuan, Ouyang Zhiyun, Meng Xuesong, et al. Plant species composition in relation to sampling area of urban vegetation in Beijing, China, 2007. Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century’s Ecology, Eco-Summit 2007, Beijing, 247.(国际生态峰会会议报告)

[17] 潘妮,闵钰婷,赵娟娟,张曼琳,白泽鹏,卿晨,李建.城市建成区自生草本植物群落的物种多样性与功能多样性——以深圳市为例.生态学报, 2024, 44(09): 3759-3774.

[18] 李建,卢世君,邱礼杉,庄春晓,杨芳芳,赵娟娟.深圳市建成区入侵植物对草本植物种类及功能多样性的影响.生态学报, 2023, 43(18): 7507-7522.

[19]卢世君,邓玉琳,李建,宋晨晨,赵娟娟.深圳市建成区城市植物的种类构成.西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 45(12): 85-96.

[20] 苏芝敏,张红星,任玉芬,赵娟娟,郭培培,孙旭,王效科,欧阳志云,逯非,周伟奇. 2007–2020年北京城区植物物种名录数据集.中国科学数据(中英文网络版), 2022, 7(03): 360-368.

[21] 张曼琳,潘妮,赵娟娟,李明娟,江南.城市花粉致敏植物种类构成、分布与潜在危害评估——以深圳市为例.生态学报, 2021, 41(22): 8746-8757.

[22] 江南,徐卫华,赵娟娟,李明娟.城市植物地面抽样调查方法综述.云南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 43(03): 587-597.

[23] 李明娟,赵娟娟,江南,潘妮,张曼琳,束承继.深圳近海公园植物群落结构特征及其与景观格局的相关性.生态学报, 2021, 41(22): 8732-8745.

[24] 李明娟,赵娟娟,刘时彦,宋晨晨,江南.山地城市公园植物群落功能多样性与物种多样性研究——以重庆市主城区为例.中国园林, 2021, 37(02): 124-129.

[25] 刘时彦,赵娟娟,宋晨晨,李明娟,江南,陈静.重庆市主城建成区主要绿地的植物种类构成研究.生态科学, 2021, 40(06): 89-98.

[26] 宋晨晨,刘时彦,赵娟娟,李明娟,江南,陈静.基于功能特征的城市植物群落生态功能评价.生态学杂志, 2020, 39(02): 703-714.

[27] 陈静,刘时彦,宋晨晨,赵娟娟.城市植被调查的取样面积推算与遗漏植物曲线.生态科学, 2019, 38(02): 25-30.

[28]赵娟娟,宋晨晨,刘时彦.城市植物种类构成的特征分析——以厦门市为例.西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 40(07): 1-8.

[29] 李净,赵娟娟,陈珊珊,陈春娣,张启翔.厦门市城市外来植物的种类构成.生态环境学报, 2017, 26(01): 20-26.

[30] 赵娟娟,孙小梅,陈珊珊,江波,陈春娣.城市野生草本植物种类构成的特征——以宁波市为例.生态环境学报, 2016, 25(1): 43-50.

[31] 欧阳志云,赵娟娟,桂振华,倪永明,韩冰,庄长伟.中国城市的绿色发展评价.中国人口·资源与环境, 2009, 19(05): 11-15.

[32] 赵娟娟,欧阳志云,郑华,徐卫华,王效科,倪永明.北京建成区外来植物的种类构成.生物多样性, 2010, 18(01): 19-28.

[33] 赵娟娟,欧阳志云,郑华,徐卫华,王效科.北京城区公园的植物种类构成及空间结构.应用生态学报, 2009, 20(02): 298-306.

[34] 欧阳志云,赵娟娟,桂振华,倪永明,韩冰,庄长伟.中国城市的绿色发展评价.中国人口·资源与环境, 2009, 19 (05): 11-15.

[35] 赵娟娟,欧阳志云,郑华,徐卫华,王效科,倪永明.城市植物分层随机抽样调查方案设计的方法探讨.生态学杂志, 2009, 28 (07): 1430-1436.


1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于模式识别的城市野生草本植物功能多样性影响机制, 2017.01-2020.12。

2.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:多尺度视角下人类活动对城市野生草本植物种类构成的影响机制, 2014.01-2016.12。

3.环境保护部与中国科学院专项子课题,全国城市生态环境与资源利用效率评估, 2012.12-2013.06。

4.宁波市科技计划项目:宁波市城市野生植物的种类结构及其影响机制, 2013.3-2015.3。

5.中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院:重庆市城区及库区植物采样、分析及辨识, 2017.12.05 -2018.06.30。

6.中国科学院生态环境研究中心项目:深圳市区生态样地植被调查, 2018.07.01-2018.12.31。

7.中央高校基本科研业务费一般项目:社会经济因素对城市野生草本植物功能多样性的影响关系研究——以重庆市为例, 2018.04.12- 2020.12.31。

8.中国科学院生态环境研究中心项目:深圳市绿地植物多样性及功能特征分析, 2019.05-2019.10。


10.中国科学院生态环境研究中心项目:城市建成区植物调查方案的调研与设计, 2021.05-2022.02。

11.中国科学院生态环境研究中心项目:深圳市自然区植物种类构成与分布格局分析, 2024.04-2025.04。


Email: zhaojuanjuan_cn@163.com




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